Dated: 3/20/2025
Notice for proper display of BEE Star Labels for appliances on E-commerce platforms and other point of sales
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Dated: 1/24/2025
Advisory extension of star rating table for Tyres till 30-06-2025.
Dated: 12/30/2024
Important instructions for all manufacturers and permittees under the S&L program for Induction Hob.
Dated: 12/27/2024
Important instructions for all registered manufacturers and permittees under the S&L program for Tyres.
Dated: 12/16/2024
Important instructions for all registered manufacturers and permittees under the S&L program for Distribution Transformer
Important Instructions to all Manufacturers & Permittees of self ballasted Light Emitting Diode(LED) lamp
Dated: 12/11/2024
Important Instruction to all Manufacturers/permittees of S&L Program
Dated: 12/10/2024
Important instructions for all registered manufacturers and permittees under the S&L program for Side by Side refrigerator and Multi Door Refrigerator.
Dated: 12/9/2024
Important instructions for all registered manufacturers and permittees under the S&L program for Table/Wall Fan.
Important instructions for all registered manufacturers and permittees under the S&L program for Air Compressor.
Important instructions for all registered manufacturers and permittees under the S&L program for pedestal Fan.
Dated: 11/19/2024
Important Instruction for all registered manufacturers and permittees under the S&L program for Microwave oven
Important instructions to all Manufacturers & Permittees of Domestic LPG Stove
Resumption of QR Code Implementation for Refrigerator (FFR & DCR)
Dated: 11/18/2024
Important Instruction to all manufacturers/ permittees registered under S&L program for solar Water Heater
Dated: 11/14/2024
Suspension of QR Code Functionality for Models Applied under Label Change for Refrigerator (FFR & DCR)
Dated: 10/21/2024
Important instructions to all Manufacturers & Permittees for Refrigerators
Dated: 9/26/2024
Advisory regarding Pre-Published Amendment Regulations for Refrigerators.
Dated: 10/1/2024
Advisory regarding implementation of QR code on Self Ballasted LED Lamp.
Dated: 9/20/2024
Important instructions regarding Standard & Labeling program for Grid Connected Solar Inverter.
Dated: 9/10/2024
Advisory for revised labeling fees
Dated: 9/3/2024
Advisory regarding Pre-Published Amendment Regulations for Electric Ceiling Type Fans
Dated: 8/30/2024
Important instructions to all Manufacturers & Permittees of Electric Ceiling Type Fans
Dated: 8/1/2024
Important instructions to all Manufacturers & Permittees of Colour Television (CTV)
Important instructions to all Manufacturers & Permittees of Ultra-High Definition Television(UHD TV/4K TV)
Important instructions to all Manufacturers & Permittees of Room Air Conditioners(RAC)
Dated: 6/14/2024
Engagement of Project Management Unit (PMU) for implementation of Standards & Labeling (S&L) Programme of BEE.
Dated: 6/10/2024
Advisory regarding draft Amendment Notification for Distribution Transformer
Advisory- Pre-Published Amendment Regulation for RAC
Dated: 6/7/2024
Request for Proposal (RfP) for Engagement of Project Management Unit (PMU) Under Standards & Labeling Programme
Advisory - Permittees/Manufacturers of Refrigerators to continue their production with QR code implementation under the Standards and Labeling program of BEE, shall be effective from 18th June 2024.
Dated: 5/24/2024
Addendum to QR Code for DCR/FFR QR Code implementation under BEE's S&L program for Frost free and direct cool refrigerator shall be in effect from 10th June, 2024.
Dated: 5/22/2024
Permittees/Manufacturers of Refrigerators to continue their production with QR code implementation under the Standards and labeling program of BEE.
Dated: 5/3/2024
Important instructions to all Manufacturers & Permittees of Chiller
Advisory regarding Extension of timeline for submission of production data and labeling fees for the FY 23-24
Dated: 4/22/2024
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/permittees of the S&L program regarding the allocation of appliances
Dated: 4/18/2024
The BEE Standards & labeling Program portal is under upgradation till 1st June 2024. All users may face issues while accessing portal functionality.
Dated: 4/10/2024
Important Instructions regarding revised star rating table for Solar Photovoltaic Modules
Dated: 4/9/2024
Important instructions regarding Standards & Labelling Program for Grid Connected Solar Inverter
Dated: 3/13/2024
Important Instructions regarding Star Labeling Program for Commercial Beverage Cooler (Visi Cooler)
Packaged Boiler - Online Portal for Brand and Model Registration will be active w.e.f 13 March 2024, 3:00 PM
Dated: 2/14/2024
Request for Proposal (RfP) for Engagement of Project Management Unit (PMU) Under Standards & Labeling Programme.
Dated: 2/8/2024
Important Instructions regarding revised Labeling Fee for Solar PV Module.
Dated: 1/23/2024
Adivsory- Important instructions to all Manufacturers & Permittees of Ceiling Fan.
Dated: 12/29/2023
Advisory for Washing Machine - Extension of Label Validity Period.
Dated: 12/27/2023
Important Instructions to all Manufactures & Permittees of Chiller.
Dated: 12/18/2023
Important Instructions to all Manufactures & Permittees of Washing Machine.
Dated: 12/15/2023
Distribution Transformer Advisory for Label Validity period extension till 31.12.2024.
Dated: 12/5/2023
Advisory regarding QR code implementation for LED Lamp Manufacturers.
Dated: 12/4/2023
Addendum in Disseminating Star Labeling in Household Appliance (DISHA) Manual
Dated: 11/17/2023
This is with reference to the implementation of the mandatory regime of Washing Machine w.e.f. 1st January, 2024.
Dated: 11/16/2023
Important instructions to all Manufactures & Permittees of Chillers!
Dated: 11/3/2023
ALERT-Registration of Solar Photovoltaic Module under BEE Star Labeling Programme
Dated: 10/27/2023
Tyre Advisory for Label Validity period extension till 31.12.2024.
Dated: 10/13/2023
Advisory – Important Instructions to all manufacturers/permittees registered under S&L program for Pumpsets
Dated: 10/9/2023
Dated: 10/4/2023
This is with reference to the implementation of the mandatory regime of Chillers w.e.f. 1st January, 2024.
Dated: 9/26/2023
New Advisory regarding Extension of Timeline for Submission of Production Data and Labeling Fees for the FY 2022 – 2023 till 31st October 2023.
Dated: 9/13/2023
All permittees/manufacturers of Refrigerator (Frost Free and Direct Cool) registered under the Standards and Labelling program of BEE are hereby informed to produce appliances without the QR codes until further information. Please see attached documet...
Dated: 8/30/2023
Permittees (Manufacturers) registered under BEE's Standard and Labeling (S&L) program, Who have not submitted production data and labelling fees for FYs 2017-22, are non-compliant and their portal is suspended, please refer attached alert document.
Dated: 6/28/2023
New Advisory regarding Extension of Timeline for Submission of Production Data and Labeling Fees for the FY 2022 – 2023.
Dated: 6/23/2023
All manufacturers/permittees of Tubular Fluorescent Lamp registered under the S&L program are hereby informed that the existing star rating table for Tubular Fluorescent Lamp under mandatory regime has been extended by a period of 3 - years i.e. till 30th June, 2026. Accordingly, the revised sample label validity period is 1st July, 2023 to 30th June, 2026.
All manufacturers/permittees of self-ballasted Light Emiting Diode (LED) lamp registered under the S&L program are hereby informed that the existing star rating table for LED lamp has been upgraded by 1 Star level with table validity period of 3 - Years (1st July, 2023 to 30th june, 2026).
Dated: 5/19/2023
Dear Manufacturer, As requested for the methodology related to calculations of electricity savings and Co2 emission reduction for Pedestal Fans, Table fans, Side by Side Refrigerators, and Induction Hobs- which are to be displayed on BEE’s Star label, please refer to the below link for the spreadsheet and calculations for your reference.
Dated: 5/16/2023
Advisory regarding Extension of Timeline for Submission of Production Data and Labeling Fees for the FY 2022 – 2023
Dated: 5/9/2023
Important instruction to all Manufactures & Permittees of Light Commercial Air Conditioner (LCAC)
Dated: 5/8/2023
Important instruction to Manufactures & Permittees of Ultra-High-Definition Television.
Dated: 5/4/2023
Alert for updated Sample Label of Deep Freezer.
Alert regarding Pre-published regulations of Washing Machine Extension.
Dated: 4/18/2023
Last Date of Submission of Proposal: On or before 13:00 hours of 28th April 2023.
Dated: 4/13/2023
Important Instruction to all Manufactures & Permittees of LCAC regarding Sample Label
Important Instructions to all Manufacturers regarding Registration of Air Compressors under BEE Star Labeling Program
Dated: 4/11/2023
Important Instructions to all Manufacturers and Permittees of UHD as mandatory
Dated: 3/31/2023
ALERT-Registration of Induction Hob under BEE Star Labeling Programme
ALERT-Registration of Side by Side/Multi Door Refrigerator under BEE Star Labeling Programme
ALERT-Registration of Table/Wall Fan under BEE Star Labeling Programme
ALERT-Registration of Pedestral Fan under BEE Star Labeling Programme
Important Instructions to all Manufacturers and Permittees of Deep Freezer as mandatory
Important Instructions to all Manufacturers and Permittees of Light Commercial AC as mandatory
Dated: 3/22/2023
Last Date of Submission of Proposal: On or before 13:00 hours of 20th April 2023 Prebid Meeting: 5th April 2023 at 15:00 hours through VC Date of Opening of Proposals: 15:00 hours on 21st April, 2023
Dated: 2/20/2023
Extension of Timeline for submission of production data and labeling fees prior to FY 17-18.
Dated: 2/3/2023
Alert for submission of production data and labeling fees for the FY’s 2017 – 2022
Dated: 2/1/2023
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/permittees registered under S&L program for Distribution Transformer
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/permittees registered under S&L program for Pump sets
Alert regarding Pre-published regulations of Washing Machine
Dated: 1/4/2023
Dated: 12/28/2022
Alert regarding Chillers Extension in the Voluntary regime by 1 year.
Alert regarding Deep Freezers extension of Voluntary regime by 6 months.
Alert regarding Air Compressor Extension in the Voluntary regime by 2 years.
Dated: 12/26/2022
Alert regarding Extension in the voluntary regime of Star labelling for tyres
Dated: 12/15/2022
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/permittees registered under S&L program for Stationary Storage type Electric Water Heater
Dated: 12/8/2022
Alert regarding LCAC extension of Voluntary regime by 6 months
Dated: 12/6/2022
Regarding Implementation of QR code on Voluntary basis
Dated: 11/24/2022
Mandatory Implementation of QR Code on Refrigerators
Dated: 11/10/2022
Alert for washing machine manufacturer regarding registration of new model with revised label validity period
Alert for pump manufacturer regarding registration of new model with revised label validity period
Dated: 11/3/2022
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/ permittees registered under S&L program for Microwave Oven.
Dated: 10/31/2022
Alert regarding Pre-published Regulations of Chillers.
Dated: 10/28/2022
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/ permittees registered under S&L program for Domestic LPG Stoves
Dated: 10/26/2022
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/ permittees registered under S&L program for UHD Television (4K).
Dated: 10/21/2022
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/permittees registered under S&L program for Washing Machine.
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/permittees registered under S&L program for Pump sets.
Important Instructions to all manufacturers permittees of Refrigerators Frost Free Refrigerators(FFR) and Direct Cool Refrigerators(DCR).
Gazette Notifications for Refrigerator labelling program effective from 01-01-2023.
Dated: 10/19/2022
Important Instructions to all manufacturers permittees registered under S&L program for Solar Water Heater.
Dated: 9/20/2022
Submission of Production Data and Labeling Fees for FY 2021 – 2022 (Timeline Extension till 18th November 2022)
Submission of Production Data and Labeling Fees for FYs 2017-18 to 2020-21 (Timeline Extension till 19th October 2022)
Dated: 9/15/2022
Important Instructions to all Manufacturer and Permittees of Frost Free Refrigerator (FFR) and Director Cool Refrigerator(DCR).
Important Instructions to all Manufacturer and Permittees of Ceiling Fan.
Dated: 8/31/2022
Alert Regarding Position/ Placement of BEE Star label on Room Air Conditioner (RAC).
Alert Regarding Pre-published regulations of Light Commercial Air Conditioners (LCAC).
Alert regarding Pre-published regulations of Distribution Transformer.
Dated: 4/8/2022
Notice to all manufacturers for seeking comments on draft regulation for UHD Television published on 01st August, 2022 in the Official Gazette of India.
Dated: 6/7/2022
Go live of QR code.
Dated: 6/30/2022
Alert regarding Pre-published Regulations of Stationary Storage Type Electric Water Heater.
Alert regarding Pre-published Regulation of Deep Freezers.
Dated: 6/20/2022
Important Instructions to all Manufacturer and Permittees of Frost Free Refrigerators and Direct Cool Refrigerators.
Dated: 6/15/2022
Important Instructions to all Manufacturers and Permittees of Ceiling Fans
Dated: 6/14/2022
Important Instructions to all Manufacturers and Permittees of Colour Televisions
Dated: 6/13/2022
Notice to all manufacturers for seeking comments on draft regulations for Refrigerator published on 11th June, 2022 in the Official Gazette of India.
Important Instructions to all Manufacturer and Permittees of Colour Television.
Dated: 6/2/2022
Alert for Permittee Manufacturers for submission of Production data and labelling fee for FY 21-22
Dated: 5/20/2022
Alert on BEE Logo
Dated: 5/6/2022
Alert regarding Revised Energy Consumption standards for RAC
Dated: 4/19/2022
Important Instructions to all Manufacturer and Permittees of Room Air Conditioners.
Dated: 3/31/2022
Alert regarding implementation of QR code for refrigerators.
Dated: 3/16/2022
Non-Submission of Production Data and Labelling Fees for the Periods FY2017-18, FY2018-19, FY2019-20 and FY2020-21.
Dated: 3/8/2022
ALERT - Registration of Tyres under BEE Star Labeling Programme
Dated: 2/9/2022
Important instruction to Pump Manufacturers-permittee regarding revised sample label.
Dated: 12/28/2021
Important Instructions to all manufacturers and permittees registered under UHD television.
Dated: 11/29/2021
Important Instructions to all manufacturers and permittees registered under LPG Stoves
Dated: 11/26/2021
Important Instructions to all manufacturers and permittees registered under Solar Water Heater.
Dated: 11/18/2021
Important Instructions to all manucfaturers and permittees registered under Washing Machine
Important Instructions to all manufacturers and permittees registered under Microwave Oven
Dated: 11/12/2021
Important Instruction to all manufactures registered under FFR
Important Instruction to all manufactures registered under DCR
Important Instruction to all manufactures registered under Color Television
Important Instruction to all manufactures registered under Room Air Conditioners
Amendment notification of Room air conditioner
Gazette Notification regarding Colour television dated 02-November-2021
Gazette Notification regarding DCR and FFR dated 10-11-2021
View Document || View Document FFR
Dated: 11/3/2021
Alert for defaulting manufacturers of Production data and labeling fees for FY 2020-2021.
Dated: 10/29/2021
Alert for Submission of Production Data and Labelling Fees for FYs 2017 to 2020.
Dated: 10/26/2021
Alert for Solar water heater
Dated: 10/13/2021
Alert for extension of existing energy performance standard of Storage type Electric water Heater.
Dated: 9/16/2021
Star rating table for Chillers under Voluntary regime has been extended till 31 st December, 2022
Dated: 9/2/2021
Star rating table for LCAC under Voluntary regime has been extended till 31 st December, 2022
Star rating table for Deep Freezers under Voluntary regime has been extended till 31 st December, 2022
Dated: 7/19/2021
Extension in Timeline for payment of Labeling Fees for FY 2020-21.
Dated: 7/12/2021
List of NABL Accredited Labs for Testing of Appliances (As on 29th June 2021)
Dated: 7/7/2021
Notice for seeking comments on Regulations for Star Rating of Ceiling Fans
View Document || View Notice
Dated: 6/30/2021
Important instructions to all manufacturer permittees registered under storage type electric water heater.
Dated: 6/29/2021
Important Instructions to all manufacturers permittee registered under Standard and Labelling program for LPG Stove
Dated: 5/18/2021
All permittee/ manufacturers registered under Standards and Labeling program of BEE are hereby informed that in view of the present unprecedented crisis due to COVID-19, it has been decided to extend the timeline for payment of labelling fee for the FY 2020-21 till 30th June 2021.
Dated: 3/12/2021
Submission of Production Data and Labeling Fees for FY 2017-18 to FY 2019-20
Dated: 2/18/2021
Public Notice - Use of Unauthorized BEE Star Rating Label on LED Lamps by Ajanta India Ltd.
Dated: 1/21/2021
Important Instruction regarding Voluntary Star Labeling Program for Air Compressor
Dated: 12/14/2020
Important Instructions to all manufacturers permittee for Water Heater.
Dated: 12/11/2020
Important Instructions to all manufacturers permittee for Colour Television.
Important Instructions to all manufacturers and permittee for Room Air Conditioners.
Dated: 11/27/2020
Important Instructions to all manufacturer and permittee registered under Room Air Conditioners.
Dated: 11/26/2020
Manufacturer may kindly note that while submitting any application for registration under chiller product category, the test data has to be submitted in AHRI format for Air cooled/water cooled chiller products.
Dated: 11/6/2020
Important Instruction for all Washing Machine and Microwave Oven manufacturer and Permittee
Dated: 11/2/2020
Important Instructions to all manufacturers permittee registered under Standard and Labeling program for Chillers
Dated: 10/14/2020
Important Instructions regarding Production data and Labeling Fee.
Dated: 9/24/2020
Important Instructions for all LED Lamps manufacturers
Dated: 8/31/2020
Important Instructions to all manufacturers registered under Standard and Labeling Program for Chillers
Dated: 8/27/2020
Important instructions to all manufacturers registered under standard and labeling program for Washing Machine and Microwave Oven.
Dated: 8/10/2020
Important instruction regarding star labeling program for Light Commercial AC.
Important instruction regarding star labeling program for Chillers.
Important instruction regarding star labeling program for solar water heater.
Dated: 8/6/2020
Important Instructions to all manufacturers registered under S and L program for Distribution Transformers
Dated: 7/2/2020
Amendment notification for LED Lamps
Dated: 6/30/2020
Important Instruction regarding extension of LED Lamps to all Manufacturer and Permittee.
Dated: 6/23/2020
Important Instruction to all Manufacturer and Permittee for Tubular Fluorescent Lamps.
Dated: 6/18/2020
All manufacturers/permittees of Distribution Transformers under S&L program of BEE are hereby informed that the validity of Table for losses of DT has been extended till 31.12.2022 via gazette notification no. S.O. 1665(E) dated 27.05.2020. Accordingly, all manufacturers/permittees are directed to email the requisite information regarding continuation of DT models as per the format enclosed to BEE on helpdesk[at]beenet[dot]in & manish[dot]k[at]beenet[dot]in The details must be provided by 25th June,2020. Please treat this as urgent. Encl: Proforma for model continuation
View Document || Download Proforma
Dated: 6/16/2020
alert for extension of Labeling fees till 30th June 2020.
Dated: 4/27/2020
Important Instruction for all LED lamp manufacturer and Permittee.
Dated: 3/5/2020
Important Instructions regarding Voluntary Star Labeling Program for Deep Freezers.
Dated: 1/21/2020
Important Instructions to all manufacturers/permittees registered under Standard and Labeling program
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Dated: 1/7/2020
Important Instruction to all manufacturer and permittee
Dated: 12/31/2019
Important instructions to all Pump sets manufacturers and permittee
Dated: 12/5/2019
Important Instruction to all Pump sets manufacturer and permittee (on Reallocation Or Degradation for existing registered models only). Please refer below Annex-1.
View Document || Download Annex-1
Dated: 11/11/2019
pre-publication of Amendment Notification for Tubular Fluorescent Lamps on 6th November, 2019.
Important instructions to al manufacturers and permittee of TFL
Dated: 10/30/2019
Notification amendment of Room Air-conditioned dated 30-10-2019
Dated: 10/10/2019
Important instructions for all LED Lamp manufacturer and permittee.
Dated: 10/4/2019
FAQs regarding 24 degree default setting in air conditioners
Dated: 9/25/2019
Important Instructions for voluntary labeling program under Standard and Labeling
Dated: 9/12/2019
Instructions to all Pump sets manufacturers and permittee
Dated: 8/19/2019
Important Instructions to all DCR/FFR manufacturers
Dated: 8/9/2019
Important instructions to all Pump sets manufacturer and permittee.
Dated: 7/29/2019
Important instruction to all Air conditioner manufacturers
View Document 24 degree celsius image Download CDR File
Dated: 7/24/2019
Important Instruction to all manufacturer and permittee of Ceiling Fans
Dated: 6/6/2019
Important Instruction to all LPG Stove manufacturers
Dated: 5/15/2019
Important message for Online/Offline sales of appliances with the star label expired period
Dated: 2/21/2019
Important Instructions to all Manufacturers and Permittee of LED Lamps
Dated: 1/28/2019
Important Instruction to all manufacturers and permittee registered under Standards & Labelling Scheme of the Bureau regarding online payment.
Dated: 12/24/2018
Gazette Notification regarding water heater dated 24-12-2018.
Dated: 12/21/2018
Gazette Notification regarding DCR and FFR dated 21-12-2018.
Dated: 12/17/2018
LED Alert reg Pre-publication of Amendment Regulation
Dated: 11/22/2018
Alert for water heater
Regarding FFR and DCR Portal opening.
Dated: 10/17/2018
The last date for filing applications for “Appliance of the Year” Award under Bureau of Energy Efficiency yearly award scheme for National Energy Conservation Awards, 2018 has been extended from 15th October, 2018 to 31st October, 2018.
Dated: 10/8/2018
Important Instructions for all LED Lamp Manufacturer
Dated: 9/7/2018
Important Instruction to all colour television Manufacturers
Dated: 7/10/2018
LPG Stove extension till 30June 2019
Dated: 5/18/2018
Alert for transition to complete online payment system
Dated: 4/24/2018
Instructions to TFL Manufacturers regarding Degradation
Dated: 3/9/2018
Superseding notification of Tubular Fluorescent Lamps has been published vide S.O. 1033 (E) dated 9th March, 2018
Dated: 3/5/2018
Time period for validity of Test Report for Room Air Conditioners
Dated: 2/15/2018
Revision in renewal fee for all Equipment
Alert for correction in notification for AC
Dated: 1/31/2018
Alert for LED Lamps manufacturers regarding mandatory star rating program.
Colour TV manufacturers regarding mandatory star rating
Dated: 1/15/2018
Please find the attached document regarding color TV amendment notification.
Dated: 12/31/2017
Important Instruction to all LPG Stove Manufacturers
Dated: 10/16/2017
Pre-published regulation of TFL
Regarding TFL Pre-publication
Dated: 9/11/2017
Complete online payment system from 1st October’2017 and dismissing the offline payment mode via demand draft.
Provide GTIN No. and Customer Care Details for your registered approved models on the portal.
Dated: 9/8/2017
Alert regarding LED Regulations
Dated: 9/6/2017
Pre-published regulation of LED lamps
Bureau of Energy Efficiency yearly award scheme for National Energy Conservation Awards, 2017 has been released.The last date of submission of the application for NECA, 2017 is 26th September, 2017
Dated: 8/18/2017
Notification of pre - Published Regulations for Room Air Conditioners under section 14(d) of EC Act, 2001
Notification for Statutory Orders under Section 14(a) & 14(b) for Room Air Conditioners.
Dated: 7/28/2017
Important Instruction to the manufacturers/Permittee of the standards & labelling Program for Distribution Transformer.
Dated: 5/12/2017
Important Instructions to all Stationary Storage type electric water heater manufacturers and permittee.
Dated: 5/5/2017
Amendment Notification to all Stationary Storage Type Electric Water Heaters manufacturers and permittee regarding the star rating plan effective from 1st July, 2017 onwards.
Dated: 4/7/2017
Important instruction to all LED Lamp Manufacturers & Permittee(LED Alert_6000 hours test report).
Dated: 4/11/2017
Reminder to all the permittee of standards & labelling program regarding labelling fee.
Dated: 3/1/2017
Important Instruction to all LED Lamp Manufacturers & Permittee.
Dated: 2/23/2017
Amendment Notification to all in Distribution Transformer manufacturers and permittee.
Dated: 12/20/2016
Important Instructions to all in Distribution Transformer manufacturers and permittee.
Dated: 11/12/2016
Revision of label period for LED lamps. For more details kindly check the attached documents.
Dated: 10/18/2016
Important Instruction to all Permittee under Standards & Labelling Program
Dated: 10/1/2016
Important Instructions for all Manufacturers & Permittee of Storage Type Electric Water Heater
Dated: 9/29/2016
Information Regarding National Energy Conservation Awards- 2016
Dated: 9/19/2016
SCHEME FOR NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION AWARD - 2016 (For Manufacturers of BEE Star Labeled Equipment / Appliances)
Dated: 8/22/2016
Important Instructions to all Direct Cool Refrigerator manufacturers and permittee.
Dated: 6/28/2016
Clarification regarding Rounding off the values of Colour Television. For more details, kindly download the Attachment.
Dated: 5/16/2016
Important Instructions to all Laptop Manufacturers & Permittee
Dated: 4/11/2016
Dated: 1/5/2016
Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Stationary Storage Type Electric Water Heater Regulations, 2016
Dated: 12/21/2015
Application fee for fresh application of appliances under existing Voluntary Star labeling program has been revised to INR 2000 & will be effective from 1st January, 2016 for all fresh applications submitted on and after 1st January, 2016.
Amendment notification to Frost Free Refrigerator
Dated: 10/26/2015
BEE’s instructions to all the frost free refrigerator manufacturers and permittee regarding the table changeover w.e.f 1st January,2016. For details click here to download the alert
BEE’s instructions to all the Room Air Conditioners manufacturers and permittee regarding continuation of table w.e.f 1st January,2016. For details click here to download the alert
Dated: 10/13/2015
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Colour Television) Regulations, 2015: Draft Regulations for public comments - Last date of comments 26th November,2015
Dated: 10/5/2015
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Household Direct Cool Refrigerators) Regulations, 2015: Draft Regulations for public comments - Last date of comments 18th November,2015
Dated: 9/15/2015
Dated: 8/27/2015
Schedule 3(A) - Room Air Conditioners (Cassette, Floor Standing Tower, Ceiling, Corner AC)
Dated: 8/7/2015
BEE’s Advertisement on launch of voluntary labeling program for Inverter AC.
BEE’s Advertisement on launch of voluntary labeling program for LED.
Dated: 7/2/2015
This has reference to the revision of star rating tables for Colour Television. As mentioned in schedule 11 for colour television, table 4.3 would be applicable with effect from 1S1 January, 2016
Dated: 7/1/2015
This has reference to the instructions issued (dated 18/05/2015) on S&L web portal for manufacturers of star labelled electric water heaters. The said instructions shall be read in conjunction with following: “The models manufactured after 1st July 2015 must be complied with Table 3 and existing lying market stock of water heaters, may be available in the market with star label complied with Table 2. However, manufacturer & its supply chain must ensure that such stock should be vanished (as it deems fit) from the market gradually as early as possible”.
Dated: 6/15/2015
Kindly go through the mentioned link for list of NABL-equivalent accreditation bodies in other countries.
Dated: 5/22/2015
Dated: 5/12/2015
With effect from 1st May 2015, online registration for family of models under single application id has been enabled. Therefore the applicants are allowed to register the child model under base model in the single application provided, the technical parameters of child model shall remain same as base model. For Further details, refer the attached file
Dated: 4/28/2015
Diesel Generator set manufacturers are allowed to submit the self certified/Non NABL test report of SFC of DG Set as per the testing procedure detailed in BEE schedule, initially for a period of six months or till the further instructions or whichever is earlier.
Dated: 4/16/2015
SEAD Global Efficiency Medals for Motors
Dated: 4/1/2015
It is to inform that, all registered manufacturers under Standard & Labeling program has to submit the respective appliance/equipment quarterly or annually production data as per the new Charted Accountant (C.A.) certificate format from 1st May 2015 i.e., for financial year 2015-16. It is also mandatory to submit the production data as per new format and no other format will be accepted/considered for submission.(For new CA format download from the following link.)
Dated: 3/30/2015
“In continuation to the alert dated 4th Feb,2015 regarding submission of test reports , it is to inform for those manufacturers who are submitting overseas lab report, that BEE will only consider those who submitted application hardcopy(along with necessary documents) at this office on or before 31st March,2015 ”
Dated: 3/23/2015
Check Testing Result of Room Air Conditioners.
Dated: 2/19/2015
Subsequent to the amendment of IS 2418 part 1 — Specification for Tubular Fluorescent Lamps for General Lighting services, BEE shall not give further approval for star labelling of 40W Tubular Fluorescent Lamps with immediate effect. Further the existing approved 40W Tubular Fluorescent Lamp models shall be automatically withdrawn from 2"d March,2015.
Dated: 2/4/2015
In continuation to the notice dated 02/07/2014 regarding submission of test report from NABL accredited laboratories with effect from 1st December 2014; the following criteria's shall be applicable.Relaxation shall be provided only to those manufacturers who applied for the NABL accreditation before 01.12.2014, provided they submit the NABL - acknowledgment copy along with the application.
Dated: 6/3/2013
Application Submission: – In case of in-house test reports, the report must be printed on the letter head of the organisation (Duly signed & stamped by the authorized signatory)
Dated: 7/1/2013
DISCLAIMER Subject: Fake letters received by Manufacturer regarding Demand of Money for Check Testing It has come to the notice of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency that some manufacturers of star-labeled appliances have received demand notice from Bureau of Energy Efficiency on Fake letter head of Bureau for payment of check testing fee. These letters ask manufacturers to deposit money in BEE Account. However, BEE has not issued any such letter to any manufacturer and if any fee is to be submitted to Bureau then it has to be deposited in BEE account through Demand Draft in favour of “Bureau of Energy Efficiency” only. It is requested to all the manufacturers to please bring any such incidents to the notice of Bureau of Energy Efficiency, and not entertain such demands from any unauthorized persons. Ajay Mathur Director General Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Dated: 12/1/2014
Please download Internet Explorer 10+ versions to avoid printing problem.
Dated: 9/22/2014
This is in continuation with the revision-3 of direct cool refrigerator schedule, it is to inform that degradation option of direct cool refrigerator i.e., from table 2.1 to table 2.2 is available on web Portal from 1st October 2014 to till 31st December 2014. If any permittee willing to continue with any existing model, they are required to apply for degradation. This timelines are strictly adhered & after 31st December 2014, a model degradation will not be considered and need to apply for Fresh Registration.
Dated: 8/1/2014
As per RBI guidelines, from 1st August 2014, the cheques/DD submission to BEE regarding the Company registration/ Model Registration/Labeling fee/for any other process shall consist the bar-code (i.e., Cheque truncation system (CTS)) for further consideration of process under the S&L Program. If the cheques/DD were received without the barcode, the same shall be returned to permitte/manufacturer. Hence, Now onwards cheque/DD which are not compliant to these guidelines will not be accepted. For further details Please follow on
Dated: 7/2/2014
In continuation to the notice dated 19/05/2014, applicants are given a further extension of 5 months for submission of NABL test reports i.e. "With effect from 1st December 2014, the entire efficiency performance values declared by the applicant must be supported with a laboratory test report only from NABL accredited lab (Which may be manufacturer's own lab or any third party lab)
Dated: NA
This has reference to the registration of various product model categories under Standard & Labeling Scheme of BEE. With effect from 1st July 2014, the entire efficiency performance value declared by the applicant must be supported with a laboratory test report only from NABL accredited lab (Which may be manufacturer's own lab or any third party lab)
Subsequent to the direction issued by the Competent Authority, the models approved with existing energy performance standards have been withdrawn on 31st March,2014. All the permittee's are requested to apply as per the new guidelines
It is to inform that, the revision of energy performance standards (i.e., implementation of table 2.2) of Direct cool Refrigerator would be applicable from 1st January 2015 (instead of July 2014). Direct Cool Refrigerator will also become Mandatory from 1st January 2015.
The permittees under Induction Motor labeling program are requested to submit the Scanned copy of Sample label for purpose of model registration and BEE shall consider the same for the Model approval. However, the approval letter will be dispatched only after receiving of Original label (Metal plate) to BEE office within 2 months. If the original label is not received within 2 months from the date of approval, the model approval will be canceled.
W.e.f Fin. Year 2013-14, if any permittee will not submit production data duly verified by charted accountant as well as not deposit labeling fee by 30th April 2014, then the Manufacturer’s online account will be blocked and no application will be further processed.
W.e.f 1st April 2014, If any application is put on hold by BEE then permittee is supposed to submit the clarification document(s) within 60 days (both online as well as hardcopy). If BEE will not receive any response within 60 days from the date of holding of application, then Application will be automatically canceled and permittee will have to apply as a fresh application again along with application fee.
For equipment AC and FFR Option of change label to new Label has been removed from web Portal as the Date has been reached 31 Dec. 2013.If manufacturer want to continue with any model, they need to apply as a Fresh Application.
Amendment II to the Check Testing Scheme
For the process of E-filling, BEE does not authorize any agent, nor does it charge any additional fee as commission.
Before proceed for payment, kindly verify contact person's Email Id.